The Oskár Čepan Award
Jaroslav Kyša
26. 10. 2014
21. 10. 2014
16. 10. 2014
8. 10. 2014
4. 9. 2014
Jaroslav Kyša
*1981, Žilina, Slovakia
2000 – 2007 TU, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arts and Intermedia, Studio of free creativity 3D, Košice, SK; 2003 Study stage on Academy of fine arts and design in Bratislava, Space comunication studio, Bratislava, SK;
SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITION: 2020 Jaroslav Kyša and Richard Loskot: Tma představ, curated by Tereza Jindrová, Meet Factory (Kostka Gallery), Prague, CZ; Jaroslav Kyša: Order of Waves, curated by Michal Stolárik, Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava, SK; 2019 I was keeping it all safe for you, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Bratislava, SK; 2018 See through your finger (with Juraj Rattaj), curated by Ján Kralovič, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna, AT; Fifth Force, curated by Lily Hall, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Prague, CZ; We see objects around us because of the light they create, curated by Erik Vilím, Šopa gallery, Košice, SK; 2017 Process (with Juraj Bartusz), ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Bratislava, SK;
SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2020 Illusion and Virtual Reality in Arts, Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, SK; viennacontemporary, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, AT; 7140+ New acquisitions in VSG (Východoslovenská galéria Košice) collection, curated by M. Kleban, K. Nádaská, East Slovakian Public Gallery, Košice, SK; 2019 4+4 Days in Motion, 24th International Festival of Contemporary Art, Prague, CZ; Melanch lia, Považská galéria umenia, Žilina, SK; viennacontemporary, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, AT; Techné, Gallery NTK, Prague, CZ; . Entrotopia, Rantakasarmi Gallery, Helsinki, FI; VOLTA Basel, CH, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN; Festival M3, Rokytka Riverside Prague, CZ; External and Main Memory, Medium Gallery, Bratislava, SK; White Shadows, Wumin Art Center, Cheongju-si, KR; 2018 Constructive Lyric, Galéria Medium, Bratislava, SK; #OK / XII. Trienále malého objektu a kresby, Galéria Jozefa Kollára, Banská Štiavnica, SK; VOLTA 14, Basel, Switzerland, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN; Every Other Thing, Krokus Gallery, Bratislava, SK; Start and Finish,, Bratislava, SK; PRETTY SOON IF THIS KEEPS UP I’M GOING TO HAVE TO ENVELOP THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, Gdansk City Gallery, PL; 2017 Global Control and Censorship, Nová synagoga, Žilina, SK; Art Encounters, Timisoara, RO; Residency Under Investigation, Tranzit, Bratislava, SK; Konstruktivní lyrika, GAMP, Plzeň, CZ; SCOPE Basel, CH, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN; Ko-shické metro, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem, CZ; Arc of Memory, curated by Tereza JIndrová, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Prague, CZ;
AWARDS, RESIDENCES: 2017 NOVUM Foundation Award, main prize, SK; 2015 NOVUM Foundation Award , finalist, SK; Brooklyn Langer residency, New York, USA; 2014 Finalist of Oskár Čepan award for young artists, SK; 2013 Artist in residence, Halle 14, Leipzig, DE; 2011 Artist in residence, Banska St a nica, SK; Winner of Szpilman award 2011, DE; 2010 Artist in residence, CELEIA, Celje, SI; 2009 Finalist of Szpilman award, Berlin, DE; 2008 Artist in residence, Futura, Prague, CZ; 2004 Finalist of Oskár Čepan award for young artists, SK;