Ján Zelinka
The Oskár Čepan Award
24. 10. 2015
22. 10. 2015
15. 10. 2015
10. 9. 2015
Ján Zelinka
* 1987 Vranov nad Topľou, Slovakia
EDUCATION: 2012 – 2017 Doctor of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation; 2006 – 2008 Master of Fine Arts, Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Arts, Fine art; 2002 – 2006 Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Arts, Free Creativity Studio (3D); STUDY STAYS: Study stay at Visual Art Academy in Prague, Studio of Figural Sculptures and Medals, prof. Jan Hendrych;
SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2016 – Intervencia do stálej expozície, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK; 2014 – Re-form, Kunsthale, Košice, SK; 2013 – Ján Zelinka – Forma a obsah, Šarišská galéria, Prešov, SK; 2010 – Ján Zelinka, Per Spectum Galeria, Prešov, SK; 2009 – Ján Zelinka – sochy, Miskolzi galéria, Miškolc, HU; Ján Zelinka – sochy, Múzeum Vojtecha Lofflera, Košice, SK; 2008 – Ján Zelinka, Galéria Cypriána Majerníka, Bratislava, SK; 2006 – Jednotlivci , IC – Centrum súčasného umenia, Košice, SK;
SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2019 – Zemplínska Karička, Arboretum Bolestraszyce, PL; Zemplínska Karička, Šarišská galéria, Prešov, SK; 2018 – Slovak art days in Vilnius, Titanikas gallery, LT; SNP- Slovenské národní povstání, Galéria Arcimboldo, Prague, CZ; Maľbou vanie, Sochou mrazí, Galéria umelcov Spiša, Spišská Nová Ves, SK; Košické metro, Liptovská galéria P. M. Bohúňa, Liptovsky Mikuláš, SK; 2017 – Scope Art show, THINK+ feel Contemporary, Miami, Florida,(US–FL) ; Zemplínska karička, kaštieľ Snina, SK; No go no reply, Kunsthalle, Košice, SK; Za prahom nového veku, Múzeum Vojtecha Lofflera , Košice, SK; „Re – kreácia v Trenčíne“ galéria M. A. Bazovského, Trenčín, SK; DNA, Clam Gallas palace, Prague, CZ; Per spectrum, Galéria v Karaffovej väznici, Prešov, SK; Re – kreácia, Galeria M. A. Bazovskeho, Trenčín, SK; Ko-shicke metro, Galéria Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem, CZ; 2016 – Pod povrchom, Slovenský inštitút, Budapešť, HU; 2015 – Homo creatusz, Make up Gallery, Košice, SK; Oskar Čepan Awards, Dig gallery, Košice, SK; Dni Slovenského umenia v Londýne, The Gallery on the Corner, London, UK; 2014 – Biela noc, Košice, SK; Rožňavské radiály, Galéria Baníckeho múzea, Rožňava, SK; Cassovia Express, Zemplínske múzeum, Michalovce, SK; 2012 – Vojtech Lofer Gallery, SK; 2011 – Vnútorný priestor 6, Židovská synagóga v Košiciach, SK; 2010 – Socha a objekt XV, galéria SVÚ, Bratislava, SK;
AWARDS: Oskar Čepan Awards, 2015 Dean award for excellent study results during the period of study at the Faculty of Arts.
Curatorial statement
Ján Zelinka (1978, Vranov nad Topľou) is one of our few sculptors, for whom manual, often physically taxing work with material and the aesthetic qualities of his sculptures are as important as the conceptual part of his efforts as an artist. He studied stone sculpture already at the secondary School of Applied Arts in Košice. During his college years under professor Juraj Bartusz at the Technical University in Košice he moved on to other materials as well, such as plaster, concrete, soil, and peat. He focuses on the universal themes of value and meaning of (not only) human life and one’s place in the world. Apart from his honest handicraft, another link to old art is formed by his work with human and animal figures and references to Christian iconography. Many of his statues evoke the tradition of “memento mori” – art that reminds people of the fleeting character of their lives. These involve mainly the casts made of molds of animal corpses, mostly roadkill, collected by the artist. Typical of his work is the connection of thoroughly conceived and well-thought-out conceptions on the one hand, and a significant influence of chance and the magic of accidental, unintended outcomes on the other hand. The process and (physical and thought) experiment are as important as the result. Zelinka’s sculptures with their deformed shapes give the impression of coming from another, dreamlike, occasionally even horror world, yet they are with their points of departure and their haptic, material quality firmly anchored in the experienced reality. He won the Oskár Čepan Award in 2015, the finalists’ exhibition took place in the DIG Gallery in Košice.