Cena Oskára Čepana
Lucie Mičíková
27. 2. 2019
25. 10. 2018
25. 10. 2018
12. 10. 2018
4. 10. 2018
3. 10. 2018
10. 8. 2018
Lucie Mičíková
Born in Tábor, 1986, Lives and works in Prague
VZDELANIE: 2015-2016 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, studio K.O.V. of Eva Eisler 2006-2012 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Studio “IN”, Intermedia and multimedia, doc. Ilona Németh 2008 Szabolcs Kisspál, guest professor 2008 Andreas Fogarassi, guest professor
Scholarship placements: 2009 Ecole superieure des arts decoratifs de Strasbourg, Manfred Sternjakob 2011 Internship in Archiviazioni, Lecce 2013-2014 Internship in Chert Gallery, Berlin
Solo shows (selection): 2017 Silver wave, with Martin Zvěřina, Veronika Přikrylová, The Regional Art Gallery, Liberec 2017 Permanence of flow, with Martin Zvěřina, Leah Beefrman, The Vysočina Regional Gallery, Jihlava 2016 Liquid Borders, with Mária Čorejová, Loft 8, Vienna 2016 Eclipse, Gallery Dole, Ostrava 2016 The Discovery of the Nest, Chert Gallery, Berlin 2016 The Milky River, Jelení Gallery, with Ivana Hrončeková, Prague 2015 It is so beautiful, that I want to cry...., 35M2 Gallery, Prague 2015 A house freed from its floors, with Z. Žabková, Gallery Kostka, MeetFactory, Prague 2015 When the peaks of our sky connect, our house will have a roof/ part II, with Z. Žabková, The East Slovak Gallery, Košice 2014 QUANDO SORGE LA LUNA, with Anežka Hošková, Greenhouse, Berlin 2014 The Level of Doubt, with Juraj Gábor, Youth Gallery, Nitra 2014 Forgotten Leaf, Chert Gallery (outdoor exhibition), Berlin 2013 Blue Places, Hit Gallery, Bratislava 2012 Events in the Treetop, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Group shows(selection): 2017 Cosmicomics, Tranzit, Bratislava 2017 Landscape, Nová galerie, Prague 2016 City Utopia- Metabolics of Future, Gallery of Art Critics, Prague 2016 No extraordinary situation* *But today it did not happen, Gallery Sam83, Česká Bříza 2016 9th Prize of Art Critique for Young Painting, Gallery of Art Critics, Prague 2015 Ceramics and Graphite, Chert Gallery, Berlin 2015 7th New Zlín Salon, Zlín 2014 Poetic Materialism, SODA Gallery, Bratislava 2014 Landscape festival, GJF, Prague 2014 AQB White Nights, AQB, Budapest 2014 24 Hours, experimental exhibition project, Kasarne Kulturpark, Košice 2013 Con-Action, solo performance night, A4, Zero Space, Bratislava 2012 The Discovery of Slowness II, Tranzit, Bratislava 2012 Diploma work of studio “IN”, Open Gallery, Bratislava
Workshops, residency, prize: 2016 AiC heARTbreaker, Gallery Sam83, Česká Bříza, CZ 2016 Shortlisted for 9th Prize of Art Critique for Young Painting 2015 Residency Petrolio, Puglia, IT 2015 MeetFactory, Prague, CZ 2015 ESAC, Český Krumlov, CZ 2014 Greenhouse, Berlin, DE 2014 residency in AQB, Budapest, HU 2013 residency Museumsquartiert, Vienna, AT 2012 residency in Banská St a nica, Banská Štiavnica, SK 2012 workshop TO BE TOLD, Florence, IT