Katarína Hrušková
Cena Oskára Čepana
22. 12. 2017
Potrebuje súčasné umenie ceny?
17. 11. 2017
PechaKucha Night/Čepan Edition
17. 11. 2017
Čepan víkend/Vyhlásenie lauretáta
3. 11. 2017
1. 11. 2017
29. 8. 2017
24. 4. 2017
Finalisti Ceny Oskára Čepana 2017
21. 4. 2017
17. 3. 2017
17. 3. 2017
Porota – Barnabás Bencsik (HU)
17. 3. 2017
Porota – Dorota Kenderová (SK)
17. 3. 2017
17. 3. 2017
Porota – Kiki Petratou (GR/NL)
15. 3. 2017
Katarína Hrušková
*1984 Ružomberok
ŠTÚDIUM: 2014 Royal College of Art, London, (MA); 2010 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, (BFA)
SKUPINOVÉ VÝSTAVY: 2019 – Between Aeaea and the Rocks of Scylla, The Horse Hospital, London, UK, screening/event,kurátor: Alix Marie a A---Z; This is just what I saw, Martin Hall, Loughborough, UK, v spolupráci s Dr Sarah Mills; 2018/19 – comissioned by LU Arts/ Radar; Useful Photography, Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava, SK, kurátor: Aurel Hrabusicky, Filip Vanco; Porous Whispers, Obroncow Stalingradu 17, Szczecin, PL; duo show w. Miroslava Vecerova, kurátor: Zlatka Boruvkova; 2018 – THE SKIN OF THE EYE - ACT I, Vermillion Sands, Copenhagen, DK; screening, kurátor: Elizabeth Molin; Sign just under the skin, House of Egorn, Berlin, DE, kurátor: Angels Miralda a Catherine Parsonage; 2017 – Cena Oskára Čepana, Nitrianska Galeria, SK; Black Tower Opening Night, Black Tower Projects, London, UK, site specific reading, kurátor: Philip Serfaty; Od Knihy Ku Knihe, Galerie TIC, Brno, CZ, kurátor: Banska St a nica Contemporary; Katarina Hruskova + APART Collective; Výskumný ústav zváračský, Bratislava, SK, a reading; SELBST, Institut für Bienezucht, London, UK; Skin of the Eye, Zona Mista, London, UK, screening event; 2016 – Ichor, Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London, UK; 'Export', Galeria Krokus, Bratislava, SK; 'My Back is All Around Me', The Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK, performance accompanying 'Left Hand To Back of Head, Object Held Against Right Thigh'; 2015 – 'The Edge is a Surface', Galerie Off/Format, Brno, CZ, jpolu s Lucia Scerankova; 'Hot Water Only', Unit 1, London, UK, reading/ site specific text at 'Tara has no rooms inside'; 2014 – « ECHO », The Function Room, London, UK; 'As Well', Galerie Pavilon, Praha, CZ, reading/ site specific text; 'L N DN', Zahorian &co Gallery, Bratislava, SK; 'All Silent But For The Broadcast', kurátor: absolventi Curating Contemporary Art MA Programme at the Royal College of Art, London, UK, radio broadcast; Show RCA, Royal College of Art, London, UK, absolventská výstava; 2013 – 'Der Schein', Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover, DE; 'Rural', Red Gallery, London, UK; 'Ja Natuurlijk', GEM, Den Haag, NL; 2012 – 'The Discovery of Slowness II', Tranzit Bratislava + Galeria HIT, Bratislava, SK; 'Kalene Sklo', Galeria +/- 0.0, Žilina, SK; Kunstvlaai, prezentácia Berm Collectief, Amsterdam, NL, festival of independents ;'Facing Youth', Encontros Da Imagem, Braga, PT; 'I carry a tiny knife', Weekender, Amsterdam, NL, audio/ performance; 'Unfolding', Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam, NL, (kurátor: Melchior Jaspers & Rosa Kieft); 'Cloak the Moon', Ambasáda Slovenskej Republiky, London, UK, spolu s Lucia Scerankova; 'Green Marble', Photoport Gallery, Bratislava, SK, book launch; 2011 – 'The Discovery of Slowness', Hit Gallery at Tabacka, Kosice, SK; "4", Galerie 2, Prague Quadrennial, Prague, CZ, a collaboration with Tomáš Džadoň...
SAMOSTATNÉ VÝSTAVY: 2019 – Slane Dutiny/ Salty Hollows, Galeria Jozefa Kollara, SK; Cumulus Root, Karlin Studios, Prague, CZ, kurátor: Caroline Krzyszton, text: Lukas Likavcan; 2018 – The waning yolk, Swiss Cottage Gallery, London, UK, kurátor: Roos van Mierlo a Philip Serfaty...
OCENENIA, REZIDENCIE: 2018/19 – Marion Richardson Commission for Radar (LU ARTS) in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Mills; Stipend of the Slovak Arts Council, 2017 – Cena Oskára Čepana 2013 – European Schools Photography Award (runner up); 2012 – 'Flint House' commission, Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire...
Kurátorský text
Katarína Hrušková (1984) sa venuje fotografii, videu, práci s textom, zvukom a hovoreným slovom. Tematicky pracuje s každodennými, bežne nevnímanými predmetmi a situáciami, ktorými reprezentuje potrebu komfortnej zóny a zároveň snahu sa z nej vymaniť.